Bennett Steel Inc. is fully committed to safety while providing services to its customers. Health and Safety is above all and top priority. This commitment from Management to the Employees is the basic philosophy of our entire organization and is reflected in the standards and corporate policies that continually promote excellence in all phases of our operation and work together as a TEAM.
Safety is a fundamental value of the organization, and without exception, is the responsibility of every employee at all levels. The prevention of accidents and injuries is of such importance that safety will be given first consideration at all times.
Management accepts responsibility for providing a safe working environment and employees are expected to take responsibility for performing work in accordance with safe standards and practices. A safe workplace will only be achieved through teamwork.
To achieve a working environment, which is in compliance with all applicable safety rules and regulations and is consistent with the client’s and Bennett Steel, Inc. goals related to the control and prevention of accidents and hazards.
The company’s most valuable asset is our employees. Each and every employee is empowered to take immediate action to eliminate unsafe conditions in our workplaces and has the authority to refuse to perform work in an unsafe manner or without undue exposure to workplace hazards without fear of discipline or reprisal.